Ethridge Family

Living life in stunningly beautiful North Idaho.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a MOO MOO!!

That's "Moo" our biggest cat whom we affectionately call "Moo Moo". He's a talker!! He's extremely big - not fat but very long and very tall. He can stand on his hind legs and reach things in the middle of the kitchen counters with his front paws. Thank goodness he's a very gentle cat! He seems to think he's the size of Onyx, a much smaller cat. He'll try to go in places she can go - makes for disaster. Needless to say, we don't have a lot of knick knacks in our house and anything we do have is either too heavy for him to move or secured down (much like a ship).

I just noticed, the house has changed quite a bit since this picture (we've redecorated). Perhaps I'll get the guts to share before and afters in the future.

Picture credit: Eldest and his camera happy fingers.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Transformed through Christ Jesus

"If we have been transformed (through Christ) then our lives should be noticeably and compellingly different from the norm." George Barna

How is your life noticeably and compellingly different? I'm not talking about those who distinguish themselves by women always wearing dresses, or never cutting their hair, or never wearing makeup. I'm also not talking about those who live in clusters or compounds and do not interact with their unbelieving neighbors or communities.

How are you different? How am I different? In every way do I share Christ's live with others - through my actions (while I'm driving, while I'm shopping, while I'm working, while I'm playing?) through my words (am I gracious, am I compassionate, am I loving?) through my thoughts (do I reflect on Him, do I seek to know Him?)

Are you compelling? Am I compelling? Do people want to know why you(I) are(am) different? Are they inspired to know why? Do they seek you(me) out to know the difference? If not, why not?

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.
Revelation 3:20-21

Photo credit: (self), one of many gorgeous views across the prairie I am able to enjoy daily.

Monday, June 23, 2008

A Changed Life

The secret to a changed life is to submit to God's control and let Him work in your life.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

What is trust?

Psalm 84:12
...Blessed is the man who trusts in you.

What is total and complete trust? Is it never doubting? Never worrying? Always praising? Forever thanking? Peace? Patience? Contentment? Lack of pride & selfishness?

Giving of love, time and resources? To what extent? Where does trust vs. personal responsibility join? Or, is it all about trust? To take care of what you've (The Lord) provided & always know it's yours - not to worry or doubt when you take it away or ask that we give it to others.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Something I enjoy

I found these funny - enjoy.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

I know this is late - but - this is what the area looked like a mere 3 weeks ago! Today's it's just about gone - grass everywhere and tiny little remnants of snow left here and there.
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Friday, March 07, 2008

I really like this picture of Oliver that my oldest took. Oliver loved hiding behind the Christmas tree - it was his favorite spot. C-
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This is my first blog. This is Moo he is resting on the coutch. We call him Moo becouse he hsa brown spot's on him. Hes my third favaret cat. This is my favoret coutch becose its red. He bite's your fingers when you love him or pet him. Every time he gets the coutch hairy when he sleeps on it. I have to vacume the coutch every day. He is a boy cat.When we feed him he eats all his food and goes to other cat's bowls to eat ther food. He like's too look out the window. He liks to rest in a box. He like's to lay on the table wher the sun is. He also like's to fite with other cat's and liks to lick your hair. He like's to play with cat toy's. He's the bigest cat in our family.

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Thursday, March 06, 2008

My oldest took this picture as a self-portrait with Onyx, our black minx of a cat. She absolutely adores the kids.

Soon you'll be seeing lots of posts with pictures, etc. from the kids as they are learning to blog.
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Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Money Fast - Update #2

It's been 22 days since we began our money fast. We did great initially - and then a couple of things came up that were of course unexpected.

Animal medicine
Adult medical issues
Registration for sports (children)

We are continuing the fast until the end of the month, but not as vigilantly as we initially wanted to. One thing that is a big negative is that money fasting for even 30 days does not allow us to take advantage of sales for items we need to purchase anyway. For example, school supplies are all on sale this week. I am not so obtuse that I think that not spending the money now will save us in the future because it won't.

So, I'm doubting that we will continue a full money fast in the future. We are contemplating our options. We definitely want to continue the 'no eating out' we are doing. It's been incredibly better on our pocket book and our health. I also like that the money fast got us to thinking about options instead of buying. For example, we wanted to get a monopoly game for our family. I put my request out on freecycle and guess what?! Someone had a brand new, unwrapped game we were able to get (and yes we've played it already).

So many times the things we buy are not urgent to own and finding other methods of obtaining them is important.


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Summer Fun

My boys are a precious gift and I love them very much. Today is very hot and they've been out in the yard squirting each other with dozens of squirt guns and pails of water. Summer fun at it's best.
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The Money Fast - Update #1

Well, we've made it through the first 3 days of our Money Fast. It hasn't been hard, but it sure has been enlightening! It amazes me how much we've become accustomed to dropping a few dollars here and there. A quick fix when invited over to a friends is to pick up something 'premade' at the store. A quick fix when I'd just rather not cook is to pick up something from the deli.

What I did notice is that my children have started preferring a thing or two premade from the store deli. This is not good as far as I'm concerned. For example, about once a week, sometimes bi-weekly, we purchase a footlong sandwich from our local grocery store and have a 'carpet picnic' and watch a family movie. Well, knowing that is a fun event in our house, I bought hoagie roll bread and lunch meat choices in order for us to replicate this event during our money fast.

I, for one, much prefer the made at home version. I hope to eventually make my own hoagie rolls, but for now, the store bought ones suffice just fine. I love that we can add tomatoes and avocados, fresh onions and sprouts and each sandwich can be customized to our personal desires. The kids will start to love it too.

It has been adventerous too. We have tried 2 new meals this week - both healthy, inexpensive and favored by a majority of the family members. My plan is to try a new meal each week (I'm just ahead of the game this week).

One bummer, I already know I'm going to have to break the fast for something that I forgot to stock up on and it's not an option. We have a cat on medicine and we are going to run out on July 20th. It is not an option for this cat to go without medicine so I will have to buy this. I have made a note to myself to remember this item for future money fast months!


Saturday, June 30, 2007

Thank You Soldiers

Our family attends Real Life Ministries in Post Falls (an awesome church by the way). I attended (for the first time today) Rewired, a women's ministry event. It was absolutely wonderful. Today's guest speaker was Cathy Queen (I think I've spelled it right). She is a missionary to Iraq, Northern Iraq. One thing she said rang prominently with me and she's absolutely right.

She said that CNN (and typical other media) refuse to inform American society exactly how much better life is now for Iraqis. DAILY she meets people that are profuse in their thanks for their freedom. DAILY she's asked by Kurds to tell American's thank you. DAILY. American's do not hear any of this and our soldiers certainly do not hear it enough.

Thank you.

Friday, June 29, 2007

The Money Fast and waiting

The event that we were going to budget into our month was in fact a movie that is coming out: Hairspray. Being diehard 'show' fans, we very much were looking forward to seeing this movie. Thing is, while we want to see it on the 'big screen' we are also very committed to changing ourselves.

We have mutually decided that we will wait until it comes out on DVD and we can netflix it. That's a big one for us, especially DH. Not so much for other people, but it is for DH. An artist, a stage fan, a movie buff.

We have decided to wait until DVD because if we just wait to go to the movies until after our 'fast', we have changed nothing, only delayed the spending. The entire point of this exercise was to change our habits, not delay them.


Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Biggest Loser

Now, I don't watch live TV and I've never seen an episode of TBL. But, friends of mine on a private forum I frequent are doing a 'Biggest Loser' competition and I just enrolled myself!


I need a kick in the pants to get back to working out like I used to and to eating healthy like I used to. Notice the operative words used to???


Well, the compeition officially starts July 6th and runs through August 29th. While I won't be sharing specific daily details here, I will do a weekly update (or try to anyway) about my progress. My goal is to utilize this competition to give myself that kick in the pants back into a healthy lifestyle.

Here's to health!


The Money Fast and traveling

Knowing that we will be on a money fast beginning July 1st is NOT a reason to spend lots of money before, or wait to spend it all after. The point is to truly 'do without' during this time frame and not 'make up for it' at any other time.

With that said, we would dearly love to take a weekend trip and visit friends of ours in the Portland area. While conversing via IM with my friend, we were trying to be creative about this whole trip and do it without spending any money other than gas.

We have pets and traditionally we would hire a pet sitter. Together we came up with the idea that I can ask our neighbors if they would take care of the cats in exchange for a visit to Silverwood (we have season passes that allow us to bring in additional people each day at no cost). Cha Ching. That's a great idea. I'll talk with the neighbors this weekend and see what they say. We still need to take our dog with us but that is an acceptable option as we are driving.

Now, for the sleeping arrangements - we'll just stay with our friends, that is out of the way.

Food is pretty easy, we are taking a cooler of food and eating what we normally eat.

Sight-Seeing is different. We are going to do free things while there. Something I did as a kid and absolutely loved (and still remember doing) is visiting the Tillamook Cheese Factory and taking a full tour. Believe it or not, it's free!

Then of course there is the ocean. I think these 2 things will encompass the entire day on Saturday. We'll tour the cheese factory, eat lunch and then spend the afternoon looking at starfish and all kinds of sea creatures at the shore.

Best of all, we will get to see our friends new little baby and visit with them.

Now, what weekend is the best one??? That is still being decided.


The Money Fast

I've been thinking and well, we've decided to go on a 'money fast'.

For us this means that we will not spend any money for 30 days. We are making only the following exceptions:

1) There is an event we want to do as a family that is in the middle of July. We will pay for entrance to this event only and have pulled the cash aside ahead of time.

2) We are not counting gas in this as we are planning on doing free things that involve driving.

3) Groceries will be purchased in advance, in bulk, and a nominal allowance will be available (in cash) for weekly fresh items. I am toying with the amount. I don't think that $10 is enough for our weekly fresh items, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

We are doing this for some specific reasons.

1) We are too dependant on money. When we want to do something, we aren't necessarily creative in our thinking on how to do that thing without spending money

2) It's good for our souls. We want our focus on life to move away from things (we don't really focus too much, but we want it to be ever farther away from things).

3) It's good for our budget. Everyone needs a re-evaluation every so often to be reminded what needs really are and to reshape your budget.

4) It stretches our creativity. This pretty much speaks for itself. It gets us out of the rut of 'traditional' society.

It is my hope that I will be able to share, on a daily basis, what we've done, accomplished, failed at, vented about, etc. through this process.


Monday, June 25, 2007

It's about time, isn't it?

Well, I have this blog that I have just not been keeping up with. Is that the story of life or what? I do maintain our business blog almost daily (it is business after all).

With that said, here's a quick update, my sister had her baby on 6/15 at 8:49pm. A baby girl, Alexa. Alexa was 2 weeks early and weighed in at 8lbs 6.8oz and was 20.5" long. The MD induced due to Alexa's size (she's a solid sized baby now, just think what 2 more weeks would have brought forth?!)

On the same note, my dear friend Jacque had her baby, Izaak, 6/16 at 8:??pm. He was 4 days early and weighed in at 8lbs and was 21" long.

I recently found out that an old high school chum (Carla) had a baby on 6/20, a little girl named Angelina.

I wondered if it was baby week?!

Friday, December 01, 2006

A Cool Quote

"Freedom is not procured by a full enjoyment of what is desired, but by controlling the desire."
- Epictetus.

Why is it that society just doesn't understand this? Are we in a perpetual state of not learning from history? Not learning from phenomenal people that lived before us? It's interesting that when something so 'profound' comes from any other source than the bible, that it's considered intellectual, intelligent, something we should learn from. But, when the same concept comes from the bible, it's venom spitting time.
It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,
Titus 2:11-13

I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts.
Psalm 119:44-46

You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature ; rather, serve one another in love.
Galatians 5:12-14
To love God and follow Jesus means to be FREE.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

10 Is the New 15 As Kids Grow Up Faster

I just read an article via the AP titled: 10 is the New 15 As Kids Grow Up Faster. In one word, I am appalled. Not at the kids, at the parents!
...child development experts say that physical and behavioral changes that would have been typical of teenagers decades ago are now common among "tweens" - kids ages 8 to 12...

...Some of them are going on "dates" and talking on their own cell phones. They listen to sexually charged pop music, play mature-rated video games and spend time gossiping on MySpace. And more girls are wearing makeup and clothing that some consider beyond their years...
My question is - WHERE ARE THE PARENTS? HELLO?! A 'child' doesn't go on a date unless the parent allows it. A child doesn't have their own cell phone unless a parent buys it for them. A child doesn't listen to sexually charged music, play mature rated video games and spend time gossiping on myspace UNLESS A PARENT ALLOWS IT.

We have acquaintenances that allow their children (around the same age as our children, 9-11) to play T or above rated video games, they allow them to watch any PG13 movie, they allow them to use the computer UNMODERATED - totally trusting their children. The point isn't that they shouldn't trust their children, the point is, their children are TOO YOUNG to be fully cognizant of the morals they 'say' they are trying to teach them. The children do not understand and will listen to anything in any form of leadership and if the parents aren't there leading, guess what, Snoop Dog and Eminem are.
The shift that's turning tweens into the new teens is complex - and worrisome to parents and some professionals who deal with children. They wonder if kids are equipped to handle the thorny issues that come with the adolescent world.
Well, DUH. It doesn't take someone specializing in adolescent blah blah to know that of course they are not equipped. How can they possibly be? We take them from babies to toddlers to adults in one fell swoop. Almost entirely skipping childhood and adolescent and teen years.

Along with that, even young children are having to deal with peer pressure and other societal influences.

Beyond the drugs, sex and rock'n'roll their boomer and Gen X parents navigated, technology and consumerism have accelerated the pace of life, giving kids easy access to influences that may or may not be parent-approved. Sex, violence and foul language that used to be relegated to late-night viewing and R-rated movies are expected fixtures in everyday TV.

And many tweens model what they see, including common plot lines "where the kids are really running the house, not the dysfunctional parents," ...

Kids look and dress older. They struggle to process the images of sex, violence and adult humor, even when their parents try to shield them. And sometimes, he says, parents end up encouraging the behavior by failing to set limits - in essence, handing over power to their kids.

Yes, let's talk about limits. How hard can it possibly be to limit the use of 'live TV'? How hard? Pretty much NOT HARD AT ALL FOLKS. It's called TURN IT OFF. In our house, we never watch live TV - easy tech fix, use TIVO or any DVR. This eliminates the watching of the crappy commercials let alone 99.9% of the junk that's on TV and not appropriate to watch. There is no way I want my children watching TV shows in which the children degrade and disrespect the parents, AND, they will not watch any show (which is most) in which the wife is portrayed as the intelligent one and the husband as the stupid side kick. Everybody Love's Raymond was a perfect example of this type of pathetic garbage.

And what about Sponge Bob? In who's right mind is this appropriate for children to watch? Or most of the cartoons out there? They aren't modeling respectful loving relationships, instead, they are modeling rebellion, disrespect, inappropriate attitudes, etc. So many people think 'oh it's harmless' and despite the growing evidence in society (you know, the extreme disrespect young people have for anyone else, including their own peers, the disrespect women have for men and are encouraging the same in men for women) people are running around with blinders on. The typical excuse: 'oh, it was the same when we were kids' is full of horse dung.

her 12-year-old son heard the popular pop song "Promiscuous" and asked her what the word meant.

"I mean, it's OK to have that conversation, but when it's constantly playing, it normalizes it,"

She observes that parents sometimes gravitate to one of two ill-advised extremes - they're either horrified by such questions from their kids, or they "revel" in the teen-like behavior. As an example of the latter reaction, she notes how some parents think it's cute when their daughters wear pants or shorts with words such as "hottie" on the back.

"Believe me, I'm a very open-minded person. But it promotes a certain way of thinking about girls and their back sides," Alderman says. "A 12-year-old isn't sexy."

Ok, two thoughts here. It is absolutely necessary to communicate with your children all the time, constantly. Answer their questions, don't shy away from talking about things just because you are embarrased or think they are too young. If they are asking, they are NOT too young and believe me, if you don't talk with them, they'll find their answers elsewhere and you most likely will not like the answers they find.

My next thought is, if children are coming up with questions that appear too old for them - find out where, why and how they are coming up with these. If adult songs are constantly playing on the radio, why in the world are people letting their young children listen to adult stations? Why? Why aren't they directing them to safer radio stations or strictly to CD's? It's easy enough to do and if you don't trust your children to heed your instruction, well, quite frankly, you have bigger fish to fry and haven't done a good parenting job with them in the first place. Yes, children rebel, but, children rebel within the confines you set. If you've built up a respect with them, from them, their 'rebellion' will be entirely different than children who do not respect their parents. And respect does NOT come from allowing them wide boundaries. And honestly, rebellion is NOT a necessity in growing up. We've (our current society) just made it appear to be so.

Claire Unterseher, a mother in Chicago, says she only allows her children - including an 8-year-old son and 7-year-old daughter - to watch public television.

And yet, already, they're coming home from school asking to download songs she considers more appropriate for teens.

Hum, well, how about getting them out of public school? There are many options available and frankly, it surprises me when Christian parents put their children in public school with no qualms about it (haven't the faintest idea if the person above is a Christian). Christian parents today talk the talk but don't walk the walk. Public school is detrimental to children, for so many reasons and one huge one is the topic of this very post. Children do NOT need to 'grow up' until they are adults, period.

The article goes on to say how marketing/advertising is the leading influence in this area. Frankly, I agree and that is why our children do not watch live TV. We watch DVD's and that's it. The amount of actual TV we watch is limited to HGTV and 1-2 weekly shows the DH watches from TIVO, late in the evening when the children are in bed. Our children also attend a private school which is the absolutely best possible school for them. Were we not to have the option of this school, we would do everything we could to keep them out of public school, including homeschooling and any other avenue available.

Anyway, off my soap box.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I took this picture the other night. We were driving down our street and the sun was setting - it was very red. This picture doesn't even begin to do it justice. Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 07, 2006

I'm scared to post....

I know I have not updated our website in WAY too long, and I keep getting comments from friends and family...

So, here is a first attempt at getting the website updated - just a quick note to let you all know I am working on it. Busy (of course, who isn't) and happy.

We are all doing well - loving being back in Idaho with family, missing our friends in Pennsylvania.

I'll update soon, I promise!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Time is Now

(I love that song!) - to celebrate!! It is 9pm here in Philadelphia and I am posting our last for the next 10-12 days. We are just about completely packed up - the movers arrive tomorrow morning at 7am and load us all up. We are hoping to be on the road by noon tomorrow - yeah! We are all very excited and likely will not get much sleep tonight.

Anyway, see you all 'on the otherside'!! We arrive in Idaho on Friday afternoon/evening and hopefully will have internet sometime SOON thereafter!!

Bye for now!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Well, now it's 6 days..

We were able to move up the move date to Monday April 3rd - so, we will have the movers load us up and be on the road on Monday. We expect to make it back to Idaho no later than Friday April 7th.

On a side note - I've been working on our company websites. I'd like some input from you all... our main site is here, one of our secondary sites is here and our management site is here. I've just thrown up a splash page on the management site so there really isn't anything to look at there. The secondary site I'll be uploading a makeover to sometime this week before we hit the road.

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Nine days and we leave for Idaho. It sure is coming up fast!! So much to do.. between packing, finishing work on the house required by city, making sure everything is done for the move, Chuck working hard on his licensing (real estate), closing on the house, getting stuff moved from storage to the house, yikes but it's going to be one crazy week!


Yesterday we spent our 'last' day in NYC - it was bittersweet... a city we love so much and visit regularly.

We took the boys to the top of the Empire State Building (pic coming soon)

And then took them to Lion King. I have to say, until the Lion King moves to it's new theater, the best seats in the house are definitely Front Mezzanine - Center. We had 2nd Row Orchestra Center yesterday and you lost a lot of the effects of the show sitting there (not to mention it's the 'dead' zone as far as sound goes).

Checking out new software

I bought a digital scrapbooking software and I'm testing it... what do you think??

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Interesting Thoughts

Well, the buyers of our car came by today and picked it up. It is a wake up call that we are leaving in less than 4 weeks. It just seems so far out but it's coming so fast! Can't wait to see everyone we've missed in Idaho!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Talk about WOW!

We put our car on the market - first person to see it bought it (full price). We put our house on the market, SIX HOURS after it went in the MLS we had a showing, less than 12 hours later we had a FULL PRICE offer - closing March 31st allowing us to stay until April 6th. Talk about a DREAM offer!!


Things are coming along nicely - Chuck is working on his Real Estate license, we are still finishing up little projects around the house and, the packing has begun of course!


Saturday, March 04, 2006

We have a move date...

We will be leaving Pennsylvania on April 6th and expect to arrive in Idaho on April 10th or 11th. We MAY move our date up to March 30th or 31st, it depends entirely upon when the movers are available to come pick up our possessions and when our home in Idaho is available for us to move into. We expect to have a firm date this coming week.

Things are crazy around here... we've been working on the house for the past couple of weeks because it goes up on the market on Monday... but it seems like a never ending project! So many things to do! Painting, painting and more painting and packing, packing and more packing.

We are all so excited to be moving back home! We've had to keep quiet since Christmas because we didn't want to alarm Chuck's employer (yes, his colleagues check out this website once-in-a-while) but as of yesterday Chuck is FREE! Now, I have help to get things done - YEAH!!!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Latest News!!!

We are officially moving to Idaho!!! It will happen sometime in the next 3-5 weeks. We and the boys are VERY excited to go home!

Oh yeah - Penguins...

Saw this avatar in a forum I participate it - I have to say, it sure depicts my mood right now ...

Christina's Favorite Movie

My favorite movie just came out on DVD - I was SO excited when Chuck brought it home for me the other night.... I am a fan of P&P and Jane Austen and loved the 1995 version starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. In my opinion, the 2005 version of P&P (otherwise known as PP3) is the best adaptation of the book to date. Joe Wright, the director, did an excellent job of capturing Lizzie's conflict and the chemistry between the two characters throughout the movie. Great movie!


Monday, February 27, 2006


Well, we essentially had a blog on our main website - but, wanted to enable you all to post your comments :D

So, here we go!!